Friday, April 17, 2009

Five Nationalities Post

For the project assigned by Michelle Feldman, I had to write 5 different poems. The assignment was in response to the novel Native Son. Since the novel dealt with the issues and problems caused by racial profiling and stereotyping, I decided to write my 5 poems on the common stereotypes different nationalities are faced with. I, conveniently, happen to be descended of 5 different nationalities: English, Irish, Swedish, German and French (I know, I'm very caucasian). So, below are my poems, they're each in a different style, in keeping with the diversity between all the various cultures. Enjoy!

Five Nationality Poems




I’m a little Swedish girl

Which means I must wear braids

My complexion: fair and milky

My hair in golden waves

Often unnoticed goes my people

All’s known of our diet is Swedish Meatballs




Snooty. Haughty.

These are words to describe me.

I am rude. I am demeaning.

I am French.


But this is a lie, a fallacy bold.

My people are noble, our roots old.

At the hub of the world I reside

My king secure in mirrored Versailles.

I am French.


Truth. Beauty.

Freedom. Love.

My Bohemian Revolution-

Where these ideals sprang from.

I am French.




The Queen! The Queen! Here comes the Queen!

Here in Great Britain, we love to hear this scream.

We are loyal, noble, proud and polite.

Tea and crumpets daily at one? Quite!

Our flag is bold, our history grand,

Our conquests are many, our accent is bland.

Here in Great Britain our teeth are not straight.

Our landmarks quite famous, Big Ben tall and great.




We’re the losers of World Wars one and two-

Ostracization for the mistakes of a few.

Our history is richer than this.

Chubby faces, chocolate bars.

Rosy cheeks and packed beer bars.

Aside from the negative, this is what’s known.

We are a simple people now-

Good food, friends, once again proud.




If you’re Irish you must:

Drink a lot, and be rowdy while doing so.

Have at least one kilt and eat loads of potatoes.

Know how to Riverdance- who can’t do that?

Have a lilting, trilling voice, not one that’s dull and flat.

Know how to sing bawdy songs in a pub

And if you’re having bad luck, give your four-leaf clover a rub.

Have lots of babies and be Catholic- Praise God!

Wish for pots of gold and chase after leprechauns.

Above is the cover page I created for the book of poems that will undoubtedly be put together some day when I'm very famous. :)

If you'd like to see the original assignment, view Michelle's blog, linked here.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Choosing a Side

When it comes to the highly controversial, much discussed and debated topic of the massive influx of Mexicans across our southern border, there are three basic viewpoints. You can be in favor of the immigrants- sympathetic and completely welcoming. You can be completely, passionately opposed to their presence and in favor of deportation. But, if you’re like me, you’re more on the fence than anything- still undecided. Personally, I see both benefits and disadvantages from the situation. Americans have a huge workforce ready and willing to do the dirtier, more menial jobs that aren't so willingly filled by many citizens- especially those living in our area. Also on the positive side, our country is helping people find a better quality of life than that available to them in Mexico and these people, in return, can help those they care about and 'spread the wealth'. On the downside, is this wealth being spread too thin? The sheer numbers of immigrants looking to better themselves is decreasing the pay employers are willing to offer, overpopulating and even crowding many areas, and using up much of our tax money on people who don't even contribute, themselves. So the two different ways to view the situation that I see are the more compassionate, individual, focused, humanistic view on the one hand, or the overall view of the strain being placed on our economy and society on the other. What do you think? Is there another way to look at it? Do you believe only one way to be correct?

To help you decide which side you support (or to inform you of the other side and play 'Devil's Advocate' if your mind's already made up), the list of websites below has information pertaining to all different viewpoints. Peruse them at your leisure and then draw on them in your final assignment.

-A Hispanic Take on the Matter: Random Thoughts by Cam
-Keep Up-to-Date on the Current Events with Immigration Chronicles blog
-West Side Story's "I Want to be in America"

It is undeniable that problems are being caused in our country by the huge influx of illegal immigrants. The debate is more focused on the question of whether or not these disadvantages outweigh the benefits that are also apparent and on who is more to blame- our government, the Mexican government, the individuals who cross, or the Americans that hire them. Does the fault lie with our government for being too lenient and forgiving? With the Mexican government? The individuals seeking to better themselves? Or are the employers who hire them more to blame than anyone, as this article claims?

While reading Tortilla Curtain, by TC Boyle, your perspective on illegal (specifically Mexican) immigration may have changed. Do you think the author presents the controversial situation in a way that's more favorable towards the immigrants or towards those adversely affected by their presence in our country? 

Your assignment starts with making up your mind and choosing a side. Are you sympathetic towards the aliens and welcoming? Are you entirely opposed to their presence? If you're neither of these and still on the fence, choose the middle ground and support both sides. Now, since your mind should be made up one way or the other, or the other, your assignment is to write a paper outlining your views and providing sufficient support. Use the links provided above and cite/quote at least three in your paper (of these three, one may be the book Tortilla Curtain) and any additional sources you may find on your own. The paper should be not only an outline of your views, but also a persuasion towards the reader to side with you. Should be around 1-2 pages in length, whatever is sufficient for getting your point across.